Programs & Services
To fulfill our mission of uniting low income greater Boston youth & parents through the identification & expression of their valuable talents, PMI provides the following programs & services.
January 2021, PMI, will begin planning, a series of Entrepreneurship workshops scheduled to start in February 2021. With funding, we expect to serve 20 to 40 participants for 2021 Virtually!
December 2020, PMI, received approval for a grant from the Boston Public Health Commission to issue Preparedness + Relief services to families affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. With this funding, we were able to deliver food and supplies to over 50 families. And hire local residents to assist in completing the first round of delivery! February 2021, we will have completed the expectations of the grant submitted with a second-round by serving additional families in the suggested communities.
May 2020, PMI, was contacted by Black Market, LLC, and asked to help facilitate a 2020 Black Market Entrepreneur Virtual workshop. With slots for 10 participants, 8 successfully completed sessions and were connected to resources to further assist them in their business ventures.
In August 2019, we became the fiscal agents for Black Market LLC, a For-profit agency. To date, PMI has collected over $50,000 in grant money for them to assist community events for families and support Artists in the Boston local areas.
June-August 2019, PMI, sponsored our “Youth in Transition “ girls program. With funding from a small grant from Mabel Louise Riley Foundation “Family Strengthening grant”.Our program is an 8 week, 16 session summer camp for girls ages 7-16. Those who participated are girls in elementary school and those entering middle school and who are entering a phase of adolescence when change surrounds them. The four-hour program assisted campers twice a week to develop skills to become confident girls who resist peer and environmental pressures that influence negative behaviors. The lessons and skills are designed to build self-esteem and enable girls to become future Leaders with positive outlooks.
● Provide TV recording studio access to youth at Boston Neighborhood Network (BNN) Cable TV studio and produce regular live family cable TV shows at BNN. These talk-shows/talent showcases focus on issues that effect the urban communities. we achieved an important milestone: 27 years of providing this FYI/talk-show/talent-showcase service in our community. Our guest/host include a list of international and local figures, each one reaching, teaching, sharing, caring and building community.● Run both parent-peer and youth-peer support workshops
● Recruit and train mentors
● Refer families in need to peer & service providers
● Provide youth talent showcases & liaison for those entering the entertainment industry
PMI empowers families through strengthen skills, discipline, communication, and self-esteem. The typical service process in our organization:
Operations & How we measure Success
Recent Accomplishments
completed a successful pilot program at the Dudley branch library “parenting Peer support” for local roxbury parent.Funding was provided by the fellows athenaeum trust fund. PMI seeks to secure additional funding for this well attended program.
produced & hosted PMI’s regular cable TV program “keeping it real” talk-show. work included providing youth and adult access to media arts technology,Locations and industry career information. we also created public service announcements with youth and trained on interviewing skills, camera skills and video performance. we celebrated our 10th year of TV programming in our community.
the institute for young teachers Inc. is the planning stage for the next 6 months.
acquire regular operational funding from diverse & progressive contributors.
acquire regular program funding from diverse & progressive contributors.
create employment for the families we serve.
create scholarships for the youth we serve.
staff PMI with young folks as outreach directors.
include youth members on the board of directors.
work closely with project developers at ReIdren business group to create genealogy/rootz programming for local families.
Youth in Transition Summer Camp
June to august 2019 PMI sponsored a summer camp program for girls age 7 to 21. Warren Gardens residence association provided space and support for us to establish personal relationships with the young ladies while teaching them life skills, anger management, violence prevention